Frequently Asked Questions
What hours is Yates CDC open?
Yates Child Development Center is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. Families are strongly encouraged to arrive by 9:00 am to benefit from the morning learning activities.
Is Yates CDC a full-time center only?
Yates is a full-time center. If you are interested in part time care, please call an administrator. We may be able to accommodate your request.
Is Yates CDC a childcare center or a preschool?
In early childhood education, "childcare centers" usually provide full-time programming, and "preschools" usually provide part-time programming. The different titles alone do not designate a difference in quality. A strong "childcare" program also provides high quality learning experiences, simply for longer hours!
Where is Yates CDC located?
Yates is located very close to Duke University, Rodgers-Herr Middle School, Hope Valley Elementary School, and the Southsquare retail area.
What are typical ratios in Yates' classrooms?
Typical ratios:
1. Infants: 8 children, 2 full time teachers
2. Toddlers: 10 children, 2 full time teachers
3. Twos: 13 children, 2 full time teachers
4. Preschool: 14 - 16 children, 2 full time teachers
5. Pre-K: 18 children, 2 full time teachers
How long has Yates CDC been open?
Yates Baptist Child Care Center opened its doors to 63 children, between the ages of 3 and 5 in September 1966. Since that time the center has gone through many advancements to be come the Yates Baptist Child Development Center it is today.
Yates has been a part of the DCCP since 2004. The DCCP has provided grant funding to eligible 4- and 5-star centers in the Durham area in return for priority enrollment of Duke employees and students.
When should I join the official waiting list? How?
Facility tours are conducted year-round by appointment. Prospective parents are encouraged to set up a tour time for observation, in order to gauge if Yates would be a good "fit" for their child and family. Families who then desire to join the official waiting list will need to submit the waiting list fee and the "Waiting List Fee Form." One of the administrative team will contact families on the waiting list to fill any vacant slots during the year.
Does Yates have a diverse student body?
Yates CDC is committed to maintaining a diverse community, reflective of the community in which we are located. At this time, our center is a beautiful rainbow of race, ethnicity, nationality, family structure, and language! God has planned for all types of families, and we seek to serve them and embrace all of their unique qualities.
Does Yates serve children with special needs?
Yates CDC strives to be an inclusive learning environment. We have successfully referred many children for individualized therapies. When possible, we encourage therapists to conduct their work within the classroom, involving faculty and peers in the learning! We do our best to provide reasonable accommodations so that each child can achieve his/her full-potential in our community.
Does Yates CDC accept government tuition assistance? Are families charged the difference between market rate and the private-paying rate?
Yates does accept DCDEE tuition assistance. Although our tuition is currently above the Durham County market rate, our budget has anticipated some scholarship funding to cover the difference when possible. Upon touring Yates, we request that families notify our administrators if they have received a subsidized tuition voucher.
Is it required that families enrolled at Yates CDC also attend Yates Baptist Church?
Yates Baptist Church intends for the CDC to be an outreach mission to the community. CDC families are not required to attend Yates Baptist Church, but they are certainly welcome guests!
Are all of the families enrolled at Yates CDC Christians?
At Yates, we welcome families from other faiths and non-religious backgrounds. All parents do commit themselves to support the educational philosophy of the Center, including age appropriate Christian faith development. Please go to "About Us" page to read more.
How many classrooms are at Yates CDC? How many children total?
There are 6 classrooms and 91 children when everyone is present.
What is a common classroom daily schedule?
Each classroom has a schedule posted. The schedule changes from season to season, in order to accommodate the needs of the specific children enrolled. Individual schedules are kept for children in the Infant classroom. Schedules will portray a balance of activities: indoor/outdoor, individual/small group/large group, quiet/active, and large muscle/small muscle. A minimum amount of time is allotted to teacher-directed activities.
Does Yates CDC provide meals?
Yates provides healthy morning snacks, hot lunches, and afternoon snacks each day for any children who are eating solid foods. Families with dietary restrictions must speak to one of the Administrative Team about arranging suitable alternates. For more information about our menu, please contact us by going to the "Contact Us" tab, or you can call the Yates CDC and ask to speak with an administrator.