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Jan Thompson

Office Consultant

Hello! My name is Jan Thompson and I grew up in New York City and East Orange New Jersey. I have been working with children for 47 years and with children under the age of 5 since 1987. In my free time I enjoy singing, sewing, crocheting, reading, and acting. 


Something important for parents to know about me is I love what I do and I believe in families. I believe it's the parents job to train their children and give them their moral compass and its the teacher's job to help children learn so they can navigate the world they live in.


Children have the best imaginations and are honest. I love them because they want to be loved and they want to learn and I love to give them the opportunity to learn. One of my favorite things about teaching is watching the light bulb go off when a child gets it, and seeing the pride children have when they have done something well. I also love to see the smiles each morning when children come to school!


My favorite children's book is Ms. Spockets' Pockets. My favorite activity in the classroom is sand and salt bottles, painting, and singing songs. My favorite children's song is "Father Abraham" and "Obey Your Mom and Dad." My favorite scripture is 1 Corinthians 15:58. 

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”


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