Enrichment Activities
Fun & Creativity
We supplement our curriculum with fun and energizing enrichments with talented volunteers and organizations.
LionHeart Fitness
The coaches from LionHeart fitness spend 5 weeks working with the children on an individual sport while including relay races and team building exercises.
Music with Mrs. Barbra
Music Lessons with Mrs. Barbara is a favorite because of the fun songs and musical activities.
Danny Steis the minister of children, youth, and families comes on Fridays to do mindfulness exercises with Preschool and Pre-K children. Danny talks about prayer, meditation/emotions, and how to see God in our everyday lives.
Music with Pastor Christopher
Pastor Christopher, from Yates Baptist Church visits the older children in the preschool and Pre-K classes, with his guitar and a variety of songs.
J Muckenfuss the minister of Adult disclipship
Church Sponsored
In the Fall and Springtime, children from Yates CDC are invited to the Fall Festival and Easter egg Hunt. During the summer, older children are encouraged to participate in Vacation Bible School.
I'm happy to share story time with the children at Yates CDC. Each week I try to select a book with a unique story and artwork with diverse characters and situations. It is a highlight of my week!
Mr. J
Pre-K student
It's so good, I never want to miss it.I like to hear stories a lot. I make stories up on my own.
Preschool student
It's my favorite and I like it because we read stories over and over again.
Pre-K student
Mr. J is so funny! He makes me laugh. He reads us funny books.
I grew up dancing and wanted to continue sharing fun, creative movement with kids to see them active! Each class consists of stretching, learning and practicing gross motor skills, and a fun game!
Ms. Katie
Pre-K student
I love Ms. Katie. I like how she lets us dance and we play games.
Preschool student
I like it when Ms. Katie makes the kids laugh and when we stretch.
Pre-K student
Ms. Katie is a really good dancer and I like to dance because I can move around really fast.